Saturday 7 January 2012

Oy, pass the 'nog!

This fantastically foamy libation surely puts the 'nog in eggnog.

The one problem is, is that it isn't ready to drink until at least 4-7 days (minimum of 96 hours, 5,760 minutes, and 345,600 seconds) later.  That's right... 4982379423 days.  Yes, this is an eternity of waiting; however, the results are entirely worth the patience!
My recommendation?  Make a batch of this, then, go away and put it out of your mind for the rest of the week.  When you come home—miracle of miracles—the eggnog is at long last drinkable!

The video below contains a few fun facts you may or may not know about eggnog.

Now, on to the recipe!

(Above: My handy taste-testers... Considering you're going to wait a considerable space of time to enjoy this drink, you ought to make sure it tastes A-OK from the start, eh?  Just take care of consuming too much, due to salmonella poisoning.  Unfortunately true story.*)

George Washington's Eggnog:

(adapted from a recipe from Mount Vernon)
Yields: 6 quarts

  • 2 cups brandy
  • 1 cup rye whiskey (I didn't have "rye", so I used a different sort)
  • 1 cup dark Jamaica rum
  • 1/2 cup cream sherry
  • 8 extra large eggs, OR 10 large eggs
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 quart milk
  • 1 quart heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg (add more for that extra nutmeggy taste!)
  •  1 cinnamon stick (feel free to split one in half, or add 2-3)

1. Mix liquors first in a separate container.
2. Separate yolks and whites into two large mixing bowls.
3. Blanchir egg yolks (beat adding in sugar until the mixture turns a light yellow).
4. Add liquor slowly to egg yolk mixture, continuing to beat (mixture will turn brown) until well incorporated. 5. Add milk and cream simultaneously, slowly beating the mixture.  Set aside. 
6. Beat whites of eggs until stiff and fold slowly into the alcohol mixture.
7. Add nutmeg and cinnamon stick, and stir well to incorporate.  Cover mixture in an airtight container. 
8. Allow eggnog to cure undisturbed for several(4-7) days in the coldest art of the refrigerator, or outside in a very cold (below 40 degrees) place.  The mixture will separate as it cures.  This is OK.  Just be sure to re-incorporate mixture before serving cold.
* Just as a precaution, make sure you label your freshly-concocted eggnog jug whilst it's in the incubation period.  Whilst this is somewhat unlikely, you really don't want to end up pouring a glass out of the wrong container and seriously regretting said action (this stated from a major raw-cookie-dough-eating fan).  "This is a kindness!"

Ready to pour into glasses?  Feel free to garnish the tops with a sprinkling of spices.

Cheers, and Happy New Year 2012!

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